PixelDAO is an umbrella organisation that acts as an incubator for lovable, quirky projects primarily intended to entertain the crypto community. It also aims to become a fully fledged incubator for external projects that require healthy support and promotion from genesis through to fruition.
Once upon a time a small group of traders and investors came together in a private Telegram group to discuss all things crypto. Despite most being obscured by avatars and fake names, over time their personalities began to shine through. People laughed, shared alpha, assisted one another with wisdom and impartial advice, vented spleen after being rugged. Bonds formed and trust formed. Still to this day, it’s a safe haven amidst the wild, somewhat dizzying world of crypto.
Recently one of the members (a developer inspired by the community and one of its favourite projects, $MEME), decided to build a project for himself and the group. Something everyone could be part of and collectively help grow, nurture, and enjoy the thrill of running projects with substance. Seven days later (after much wine and enthused key pressing) the PixelDAO website and its first project, One Million Crypto Pixels, were ready to be presented to the world. And this is where we are now, genesis!
It’s worth noting that within the DAO we have people from all walks of life. There are accountants, graphic designers, human resource gurus, traders, developers, copywriters, painters, fundamental analysts, life coaches, et al. A myriad of skills, personalities and perspectives providing just the right magical ingredients required to create what PixelDAO is most concerned with: building, launching, incubating and promoting entertaining projects (particularly projects within the digital design and NFT arena), all with a strong emphasis on healthy, vibrant, self-sustaining communities.
Speaking of health and community, it may interest you to know that we have embedded a donation program within PixelDAO and hopefully all its future projects. Charities are identified, selected and voted on by the community itself as part of our unique governance system, with all donations fully disclosed. What better way to bridge the adoption gap than crypto directly giving back to the real world, where it’s truly needed!
What else is in store? Well, in addition to the above, there will be competitions, airdrops, challenges, NFT’s…the works. All under one well-supported, heavily pixelated roof.
In closing, we hope you enjoy the show. And please remember to become part of our community, where we can all share the benefits this journey will bring.
The $PIXD Token
$PIXD is PixelDAO’s official token, created on Ethereum.
- Total supply (capped): 100,000
- Ecosystem: 33.36%
- Private Sale & Liquidity: 24.64%
- Team: 25%
- Marketing: 7%
- Reserve: 9%
- Founders: 1%
We’re very anti-rug here and intend to be fully transparent, so all tokens will be vested where necessary with locking details disclosed to the community as soon as they become available.
As for utility, $PIXD will be integrated into the DAO’s governance mechanism as well as playing a role in future DAO projects (more to be revealed on this later).
Engage Pixel DAO
- Website
- Telegram
- PIXD token: Uniswap (listing soon) | CoinGecko (listing soon)
- Check out our Sticker Packs
Engage One Million Crypto Pixels
One Million Crypto Pixels is the DAO’s first project with 10% of the proceeds being donated to charity — are you feeling the spirit of community yet?
Please do not consider the ‘PIXD’ token or any of PixelDAO’s project tokens to be any form of financial instrument, a worthwhile investment, a security, or to hold any value. This is simply an entertaining experiment.