Introducing PixelDAO heART$
We’re surprised the crypto space hasn’t birthed a lot more opportunities to donate crypto to charities. So surprised, we’re on a mission to change all that…
If you’ve ever been told playing games, uploading memes or (gasp) appreciating digital art is stoopid or pointless, well friends…
Introducing PixelDAO heART$ charity program
PixelDAO heART$ is a charitable donation pool, funded by profits collected in the various projects PixelDAO creates. 10% of all profits generated are donated to registered charities, selected and voted on by the PixelDAO community. No ifs, buts, excuses or deviations from that commitment. From day 1, our Pixelicious Projects will be pouring crypto fuelled pixel love into the crypto-curious world. Makes it hard to say ‘it aint real money’ once it starts supporting very real world solutions.
You can read more about PixelDAO here, and the first project it has launched here, but in summary:
- PixelDAO is an umbrella organisation launching its own entertaining crypto community projects, and acting as an incubator for external projects needing support and promotion.
- One Million Crypto Pixels is the first PixelDAO project. In a nutshell, the project is a digital ‘canvas’ comprising 1 million pixels. Pixel purchasers upload digital art and the final ‘canvas’ is wrapped and sold as a single edition NFT.
10% of total profits flowing from PixelDAO projects is allocated to the PixelDAO heART$ Charity Wallet and exclusively earmarked for 100% distribution to charity. And the entire process of selecting recipient charities and distributing the donations is transparent, and conducted under PixelDAO community governance.
Why do it?
The PixelDAO team holds two core values:
- nurturing, promoting and having fun in the crypto space.
- championing charitable crypto donations under governance.
Why not do it. We can, so we are. Easy.
How do it?
By purchasing pixels in the One Million Crypto Pixels project you receive PIXD (PixelDAO’s native token). The token gives voting rights, and the PIXD holding community forms the governance structure of the PixelDAO heART$ Wallet. Holders of 5 PIXD are eligible to vote in our PixelDAO heART$ Telegram channel.
Step 1: Calling for nominations! Anyone can simply post suggestions in our Telegram or our Twitter.
Some of the team think it would be great to focus on charities aligned with crypto education for unbanked populations or digital art / programming non-profits in developing economies, however others might prefer to help abused donkeys on remote islands…so it’s up to the community. Our only criteria are that it must be a credible non profit or charity, and able to accept crypto payments.
Note: If you find a project that seems like an amazing fit for us but doesn’t currently meet the criteria, send your suggestion anyway. We will shortlist them for further investigation and possibly be able to work with them in near future 👌
Step 2: Team will compile a shortlist of the nominated charities.
Step 3: Eligible PIXD holders will receive an invitation to a specific heART$ TG group, and vote on which charities will be sent the heART$ funds.
One or several recipients per project?
We have imagined 2 scenarios: there’ll either be a clear winner for 100% of the wallet OR 3-5 projects will share a %.
It will become clear once PIXD community members start engaging and providing feedback / voting. When needed, how to split donation funds by % will be determined by another poll. We’ll inform and be guided by the community at each step 👍
Transparency of donation process
We are going for 100% transparency for this initiative. There will be:
- a publicly accessible (read only) spreadsheet (soon linked to from this article and in our heART$ TG post updates).
- TX details will be posted in the heART$ TG after each donation. Donations will be started whenever there are sufficient funds and continue until the last shekel is distributed.
💯% No BS / No Rugs / No Scams
The team is putting our pixels where our collective mouth is. To demonstrate good faith, we have kicked off the fund with individual / personal donations of ETH to the heART$ wallet.
For One Million Crypto Pixels, you can check the balance of donations anytime by looking at the ‘Charity Fund’ section of the project webpage here.
Crypto can sometimes feel like a place we come to get a lot…and this is great! But let’s not forget to create some balance and equity with a little give.
We are truly pixel pumped to be launching the PixelDAO heART$ program and having it evolve under PIXD community governance!
We’re also open to hearing from other charity governance programs about working together to build momentum for these types of initiatives. The joy of creating #CryptoCompassion inflates when we work together.
Stay tuned for updates on PixelDAO heART$ Charity Wallet evolution: where silly crypto captions and questionable memes can actually impact lives.
Engage PixelDAO
- Website
- Telegram
- Medium
- PIXD token: Uniswap (listing soon) | CoinGecko (listing soon)
- Check out our Sticker Packs
Engage One Million Crypto Pixels
Please do not consider the ‘PIXD’ token or any of PixelDAO’s project tokens to be any form of financial instrument, a worthwhile investment, a security, or to hold any value. This is simply an entertaining experiment.